Laser Therapy

Complete Guide to Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) 2021

There are different treatment options for pain management and other disorders. These include medications, exercise, acupuncture, opioids, narcotics, and surgery, including open and minimally invasive procedures. Low-level light therapy, also known as laser therapy, is an advanced treatment option that uses focused light of specific wavelengths to treat a particular disorder or reduce pain associated with the health condition. 

Laser light has high intensity, meaning it can cut steel and reshape precious metals like diamonds. Doctors, surgeons, and other qualified health professionals use laser light therapy to focus on a small area, reduce pain, and repair the damaged cells, tissues, or muscles. In today’s article, we will discuss low-level light therapy (LLLT), uses, benefits, applications, etc. Read on! 

What is Low-Level Light Therapy 

Research shows that low-level light therapy (LLLT) is a noninvasive treatment method used by health professionals to treat a wide range of diseases, including inflammatory disorders. The laser light has different wavelengths, such as 633nm, 670nm, 830nm, 860nm, and 904nm. A health professional uses a specific wavelength for a particular disorder.

A health professional performs this treatment in their office and requires no anesthesia or sedation. LLLT involves applying laser light to various body parts for several seconds, depending on the light intensity. 

A growing body of research evidence has confirmed the biomechanical mechanism of low-level light therapy. It can improve pain and speed up the healing process through bio-stimulation after the patient’s body tissues absorb the light. 

So, in simple words, LLLT is a noninvasive technique that uses specialized devices to generate light of specific wavelengths that penetrate the patient’s body to trigger photochemical reactions in damaged or dysfunctional tissue. 

LLLT can alleviate pain, decrease inflammation, and accelerate tissue healing from numerous acute and chronic health conditions. The primary goal of this treatment option is to reduce pain and improve function and mobility. 

Bear in mind that LLLT is a drug-free, surgery-free therapy that allows physicians to achieve these goals without prescribing medications or performing surgeries. Class IV laser therapy has become the standard of care for a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders, including cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine pain. 

The FDA-approved LLLT is also beneficial for sports injuries. Reputable organizations, such as the WHO, IASP, CDC, FDA, APTA, APA, and others, have endorsed the efficacy of low-level light therapy for musculoskeletal injuries, inflammation reduction, tissue healing, and accelerated recovery during the post-surgery period. 

How Does Low-Level Light Therapy Work 

During the treatment session, a qualified and skilled health professional uses a special device to generate different wavelengths of light that penetrate the patient’s body. Bear in mind that the professional applies the light to a targeted area. When the body tissues absorb the light, they trigger photochemical reactions at intracellular levels. 

Health professionals use laser light with wavelengths between 600nm and 700nm to treat superficial tissues. However, it is crucial to use wavelengths between 780nm and 950nm for deeper penetration. Although the patient feels the light device touching their skin, the procedure is noninvasive, painless, and side-effects-free. 

There is no involvement of vibration, heat, or sound. Each treatment session takes a few minutes. Low-level light therapy is also effective for shrinking and destroying polyps, tumors, and precancerous growths. 

It can relieve cancer symptoms, remove kidney stores, repair a detached retina, improve vision, treat hair loss problems, such as alopecia, and eases back pain, including cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine disorders, degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, etc. However, there is a need for more research to confirm this. 

Moreover, it reduces pain associated with nerves after open-back or minimally invasive spine surgery. It improves blood vessels function to increase oxygenated blood and nutrient supply to the damaged tissues. LLLT is also a practical approach to reduce swelling in lymph vessels and limit the spread of tumor cells.

Benefits of Low-Level Light Therapy 

Low-level light therapy has numerous applications in the medical field. It is beneficial to patients who experience acute or chronic pain due to sports injuries, car accidents, falls, work-related injuries, or post-surgical pain. Here are a few benefits of undergoing LLLT. 


Low-level light therapy has anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effects because it triggers vasodilation and related mechanism at intracellular and intercellular levels. Not only does LLLT activates your lymphatic drainage system to drain inflamed areas, but it also reduces bruising caused by inflammation. 

Low-level light therapy uses photobiomodulation, which is an essential process triggered when photons of a specific wavelength enter the tissue and interact with mitochondria’s cytochrome-C complex. 

As a result, the interaction triggers a series of biological and biochemical events, leading to increase metabolic processes at intracellular and intercellular levels to reduce inflammation and pain. 

Analgesic Effects 

Unlike narcotics or opioids, LLLT has impressive analgesic effects without causing adverse reactions. The low light of a specific wavelength enters the nerves cells and triggers pain-blocking mechanisms. As a result, these cells do not transmit pain signals to the brain, reducing nerve sensitivity. 

As a result, you don’t feel discomfort or pain in the affected area. Likewise, the laser light penetrates deep inside the cells to produce high levels of pain-killing chemicals, such as enkephalins and endorphins, from the brain and adrenal glands. 

Tissue Repair and Growth 

Tissue repair and cells growth are other benefits of low-level light therapy. The light or beam of photons from the laser device enters the tissues and speeds up cellular production. The photons also increase the energy (ATP) available to the cells, allowing them to use increased nutrients faster. That way, cells can remove waste products effectively and quickly and repair the damaged tissues. 

Enhances Vascular Activity 

Low-level light therapy increases the production or formation of new blood vessels, such as capillaries around the damaged tissues, to speed up the healing process. These capillaries provide more oxygenated blood and nutrients to the damaged tissues/cells to close the wound quickly. 

Besides, it also reduces inflammation and decreases scar tissue formation. Photons penetrated deep inside the cells trigger angiogenesis to carry out vasodilation-related procedures and increase the diameter of capillaries. 

Improved Cellular Metabolism 

LLLT is an effective procedure that triggers numerous cellular mechanisms, including metabolic pathways and enzymes that provide increased oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissues through capillaries. 

Likewise, LLLT can trigger acupuncture points and muscle points in your body, particularly the spine, without incisions or cuts to relieve discomfort, numbness, tingling sensations, swelling, and pain. 

Fibrous Tissue Formation and Nerve Function 

Fibrous tissue formation is essential to mitigate the effects of scar tissue. Low-level light therapy reduces scar tissue formation after tissue damage from scratches, cuts, burns, surgery, or any other invasive procedure. 

In addition, it improves nerve function in damaged tissues to prevent numbness and reduce the risk of impaired limbs. Photons from the laser device speed up nerves reconnection and trigger various functions to optimize muscle healing. 

Stimulated Immunoglobulins

Low-level light therapy has positive effects on your immune system. Photos entering your body stimulate lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Chromophores in your cells absorb laser light or photons and activate molecular enzymes to start ATP production in mitochondria. The energy produced accelerates the healing process.  

Faster Wound Healing 

LLLT stimulates fibroblast development in your damaged tissues, leading to the production of collagen proteins that replace old tissues with new ones. That’s why LLLT is an effective therapy or treatment option for post-surgical wound healing. 

Low-Level Light Therapy and Pain Management 

LLLT is an essential tool or method in pain management. Pain turns your body’s stress response, leading to increase production of cortisol, a stress hormone, and delaying healing, causing clotting dysfunction and overall reduced health. 

LLLT allows health professionals to provide their patients with a wide range of options when determining the most sophisticated approach to pain management or injury challenge. It is a unique therapy used as an adjunct to prescription pain medications, a substitute for back pain surgery, pre-surgery, or post-surgery treatment for accelerated healing. 

Low-level light therapy is an excellent pain management system and an effective tool for athletic trainers in FIFA, NHL, NBA, MLB, NFL, and Olympic teams. Athletes and sportspeople rejoin their teams quickly after undergoing low-level light therapy for pain relief. 

Bear in mind that LLLT is a noninvasive treatment method for inflammation and pain reduction. Health professionals use this therapy as an adjunct or replacement of medications. The FDA has cleared this pain relief treatment, allowing patients to have an effective and side effects-free alternative to drugs and invasive methods. 

The average treatment session lasts between five and ten minutes, depending on your health condition that requires treatment. A qualified health professional administers the low light therapy directly to the patient’s skin because the photons can’t penetrate through layers of clothing. Patients feel soothing warmth during the administration of therapy. 

Is Low-Level Light Therapy Safe and Effective

The FDA has cleared and approved low-level light therapy devices that adhere to ISO standards, providing patients with the safest noninvasive treatment option. LLLT is an effective and safe alternative to prescription medication and surgery. 

Most patients undergo 3-5 short treatments. The laser device works by flooding the patient’s tissues with photons of a specific wavelength. The purpose is to energize cells and tissues to increase blood circulation to the damaged area and reduce pain. 

Low-level light therapy allows your tissues and cells to use their own healing powers by triggering a series of reactions in the body. During the treatment, you will feel a soothing warmth that indicates the beginning of a modulated intracellular and intracellular activity, leading to reduced inflammation and pain. 

Effective LLLT administration is a direct function of laser light power and dose delivered. A qualified professional knows optimal dose administration to the patient to produce consistent and positive outcomes. LLLT also provides a deeper tissue penetration and provides a dose that results in reproducible effects. 

Although the voltage is low, the photons are powerful enough to streamline the treatment times and provide achievable results. Keep in that these lasers have a level of versatility, such as Class-I, Class-II, Class-III, and Class-IV lasers. A health professional uses a specific class depending on the health condition and the intensity of pain. 

Is Low-Level Light Therapy Effective for Neuropathy

Most treatment for neuropathy focuses on treating symptoms. On the other hand, LLLT can treat the condition’s underlying cause and manage symptoms by stimulating microcirculation around the nerve fibers. 

As a result, the increased blood flow to the nerve tissues heals and regenerates the damaged cells and tissues. Not only does LLLT reduce inflammation and pain, but it also restores normal nerve function. 

In addition, LLLT is a painless procedure and can effective mitigate or treat symptoms like burning, tingling, and numbness by suppressing your pain receptors. The long-term effects of this treatment come from increased blood circulation that affects nerve tissue with ultimate healing. 

Moreover, LLLT is an effective treatment option for neuropathy, particularly peripheral neuropathy, because it restores balance and sensation in your nerves. Unlike other treatment options that manage symptoms, LLLT is best for symptoms management and complete relief from neuropathy. 

How Many Treatments Do you Need? 

Low-level light therapy produces quick results. For instance, if you have an acute condition, you will need five or six treatments. On the other hand, if you suffer from a chronic illness, such as lumbar spine pain, you may require eight to twelve treatments. 

Bear in mind that these are average treatment sessions. Because each patient is unique, the healing time varies depending on the condition, health status, and the quality of equipment used. 

People with lifelong health conditions may undergo one or two follow-up treatments each month. Health professionals have been using LLLT for over three decades. There are no adverse effects reported. Some old injuries or painful symptoms may aggravate for a few days as the body’s natural healing response becomes more active after the treatment. 

Will the Treatment Hurt? 

Treatment times for this noninvasive and drug-free procedure are between five to ten minutes, depending on your health condition. The treatment time also depends on the size of the area and the depth of photons penetration. Some patients feel a warm effect, which is often soothing. 

There is no discomfort or pain associated with low-level light therapy. Many patients with acute and chronic conditions experience pain relief, reduced tightness and tension in muscles, decreased inflammation, better blood circulation, and improved range of motion. 

When Can You Begin Normal Activity Again?

The most exciting thing about low-level light therapy is that you can resume your day-to-day activities the moment your leave the clinic. However, it would help if you didn’t overexert yourself for a few days.

The purpose is to ensure the healing mechanisms work effectively and speed up the recovery process. You can perform light exercises to improve your body function. For example, if you have back pain and have undergone LLLT, you can perform spinal exercises to boost the recovery process. 

How Much Does it Cost? 

Although low-level light therapy is an effective treatment option for inflammatory-related diseases and musculoskeletal disorders, many people ask about the costs before treatment. Some people don’t undergo laser therapy because they think it is not cost-effective. However, this is a misconception. 

While the cost of low-level laser therapy depends on the clinic’s location, the health professional’s experience, and the quality of devices used, the average cost ranges between $60 and $250 per session. 

We recommend searching for multiple clinics in your local area and compare their offers to choose the one that comes within your budget. Remember, a clinic that offers cheap services may not produce effective or desired outcomes. At the same time, a clinic that costs a lot of money is not a viable option because multiple sessions can destabilize your finances. 

Besides, compare the expertise of the doctors and the type of tools or equipment they use in their respective facilities. Search online and look for reviews on third-party websites to see what other people say about the clinic. You can also ask your family members, relatives, or colleagues if they know a qualified, skilled, licensed professional performing LLLT. 

Final Words 

Low-level light therapy is a practical approach to treat a wide range of inflammatory disorders without undergoing prescription medication treatment or surgery. Thus, it is a noninvasive, drug-free, safe, reliable, painless, and cost-effective treatment option for people with neck pain, back pain, abdominal pain, and knee pain. 

It is also a reliable treatment option for elbow pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and a wide range of other painful conditions. The cost of low-level light therapy varies from clinic to clinic. Make sure you choose a licensed clinic with experienced health professionals. 

Likewise, experts recommend selecting a clinic equipped with advanced tools and equipment. Find out whether the clinic has proper Covid-19 protocols employed before you undergo the treatment. The purpose is to protect yourself from getting infected with SARS-CoV-2. Until Next Time! 


Contact Us Today

Get in touch with the team at OrthoLazer in Newburgh, NY today to discuss your  questions and health issues to discover if OrthoLazer’s M8 Robotic Laser Therapy is the correct treatment for your needs.

We can then book you in to see our specialist pain relief physician at our Newburgh practice that can personalize the program for your specific needs, begin the pain relief process which will have significant impact on improving your quality of life. 

Laser Therapy

Top 5 Injuries Treated with Laser Therapy

Laser therapy uses low-intensity light or waves to stimulate healing in cells and tissues. The therapy is also known as cold laser therapy because it does not heat or harm your body’s tissues. Laser therapy has many benefits, such as:

  • Noninvasive procedure
  • Simple administration 
  • Fewer complications 
  • Highly effective 

Health professionals, including doctors, physical therapists, and dentists, use laser therapy in different ways. The treatment aims to repair tissue and relieve inflammation in muscles, leading to reduce discomfort and pain. What are the top five injuries treated with laser therapy? In today’s article, we will answer this question. Read on! 

  1. Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a common condition that affects 11% of all sports injuries, leading to severe pain. The condition is painful and prevents a runner from walking and performing other day-to-day activities. 

Research shows that low-level laser therapy increases blood flow to the affected area and speeds up tissue repair. It also revives nerve function, reduces discomfort, inflammation, and stimulates pain-relieving receptors. The immune response triggered by low-level laser therapy repairs damaged tissues.  

  1. Adductor Muscle Injury

An adductor muscle injury occurs in the groin muscles inside the thigh. Although an athlete can injure different muscles, Magnus, Medius, and Longus are the most common muscles injured. Adductor muscle injury occurs during acute muscle contraction. 

For instance, when you kick, pivot, or skate, or push off in the opposite direction, you can injure your adductors. A growing body of research evidence shows that laser therapy combined with open cone attachment to the adductor complex can heal the injury. Not only does the low-level laser therapy reduces inflammation, but it also relieves pain in the affected areas. 

  1. Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is an important muscle group in your shoulder area. These muscles with tendons hold the shoulder joint in place, allowing you to move your shoulder and arm quickly. The injury occurs there is irritation or inflammation in the rotator cuff, leading to weakness, reduced range of motion, and severe pain. 

Health professionals recommend Class-IV laser therapy to heal the rotator cuff injury because it reduces inflammation, relieves pain, and triggers cellular mechanisms to provide essential nutrients to the affected area. Laser therapy decreases inflammatory factors and edema in the rotator cuff muscles. 

It increases blood flow to the affected area and triggers intercellular and intracellular mechanisms to speed up collagen production, improve fibroblast activity, and release cytokines. All this leads to accelerated healing of the damaged rotator cuff muscle. 

  1. Jumper’s knee

The jumper’s knee is an injury to the tissue that connects your kneecap to the patellar tendon or shine bone. The most common symptoms of the jumper’s knee are tenderness around the shin bone, inflammation, and pain with walking, running, and jumping. 

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Class-IV lasers for healing the jumper’s knee. It can reduce pain, strengthen knee joint muscles, and increase range of motion. Health professionals recommend at least 3-4 treatment sessions per week. 

  1. Medial Epicondylitis of Humerus

Medial epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition that causes inflammation, tenderness, and pain in the humerus. Repetitive stress injury, forceful finger or wrist motions lead to stiffness and pain in the elbow. As a result, it causes medial epicondylitis of the humerus. 

Heat and ice therapies, stretching, and NSAIDs can relieve pain temporarily. However, if your pain persists for over 3-4 weeks, it wise to undergo laser therapy. The laser therapy stimulates fibroblasts to increase collagen production, leading to accelerated tissue repair and healing of the damaged humerus. 

Final Words

Laser therapy, also known as cold therapy, is an excellent treatment option for people with damaged tissues and injuries resulting from slip-and-fall, sports injuries, car accidents, etc. It can treat acute and chronic pain by triggering your body’s natural healing mechanisms. 

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy as a treatment for Lumbar Disc Herniation

A herniated disc is a common spinal disorder or condition that occurs when the disc’s nucleus pushes through a hole or crack and presses the surrounding nerve. A herniated disc’s symptoms appear when the disc compresses the surrounding nerve in your lumbar spine. 

Common symptoms are lower back pain, numbness, tingling in your spinal structures, muscle weakness, and sciatic pain. It can also cause a lot of irritation in your lumbar spine, affecting your day-to-day life and limiting your range of motion. 

Treatment options for a herniated disc include over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, opioids, acupuncture, physical therapy exercises, steroidal injections, and surgery, including open-back and minimally invasive surgery, such as microdiscectomy. 

However, surgery can lead to a wide range of complications, such as incisions, blood loss, muscle damage, infections, etc. On the other hand, laser therapy is an effective treatment option for lumbar disc herniation. Here is everything you need to know. Read on! 

Laser Therapy for Lumbar Disc Herniation 

A growing body of research evidence shows that a Class IV laser can effectively treat disc herniation in your lumbar spine and relieve pain and discomfort. Not only does laser therapy speed up the healing time, but it is also a non-invasive and drug-free treatment, allowing you to reduce pain and heal your damaged discs faster. 

For instance, when you undergo five to ten treatment sessions, you can achieve excellent outcomes. Laser therapy involves passing low-level laser beams through your spinal structures, such as the lumbar spine discs.

These low-level wavelengths of light penetrate deep into the cells and trigger mitochondrial mechanisms to produce more energy. The supply of nutrient-rich blood to the affected area speeds up the repair process and fixes the herniation. 

Bear in mind that cellular normalization is the core aspect of laser therapy, supplying more energy and nutrients to the affected cells, leading to reduced inflammation, swelling, numbness, and pain in the lumbar spine. The wavelengths stimulate your cells and trigger biochemical reactions to promote healing. 

What is the Success Rate of Laser Therapy for Disc Herniation? 

Laser therapy involves flooding your lumbar spine disc herniation with photons that energize the cells and increase blood circulation to the area that causes pain. The purpose is to trigger a cascade of healing responses in your lumbar spine to reduce inflammation and pain. 

Research shows that laser therapy has an average success rate of 70%. However, the success rate depends on various factors, such as the type of laser used, the health professional’s experience and skills, and the status of your lumbar disc herniation. Some studies highlight that when patients undergo 5-10 treatment sessions, they can achieve a success rate of 96.20%. 

Final Words 

Laser therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, and pain-free treatment option for people with lumbar disc herniation. It uses low-level light or photons that penetrate your skin and go deep into the damaged cells in your lower spine. As a result, it triggers biochemical reactions in your cells to start the healing process. 

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy as a treatment for Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is a common form of arthritis that affects different body areas, including hands, knees, spine, hips, and feet joints. A person suffering from osteoarthritis will experience severe pain and stiffness in joints due to the breakdown of cartilage and other bony structures. 

Osteoarthritis can cause stiffness, inflammation, and pain. It also leads to a limited range of motion and decreased flexibility in your body, affecting your day-to-day life, including personal and work activities. Studies show that about 32.5 million adults in the United States have osteoarthritis. 

Damaged, weakened, or broken joint cartilage between your bones is the leading cause of osteoarthritis. Common treatment or remedial options include increased physical activity, physical therapy, weight loss, OTC drugs, opioids, narcotics, canes, crutches, and surgery. 

However, all these treatment options have side effects that can further cause complications. Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique and effective treatment option for people with osteoarthritis. 

It uses a single-wavelength light that penetrates deep into the tissues and triggers photochemical reactions to accelerate the healing process. As a result, there is a production of new and healthy cells that replace the old and damaged ones. 

Bear in mind that low-level laser therapy does not produce thermal or heating effects. Instead, it initiates a cascade of cellular events to heal the damaged joints and reduce discomfort, inflammation, and pain associated with osteoarthritis. Read on! 

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Osteoarthritis? 

It is crucial to undergo a series of diagnostics tests to confirm the symptoms. Your health provider will perform a physical exam, x-rays, and lab tests to diagnose your condition and determine whether you have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis although our robotic laser therapy works for all types of arthritis. 

You will undergo a laser therapy session after the health professional has confirmed your health condition and its symptoms. A growing body of research evidence shows that low-level laser therapy can treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, and other forms of arthritis. 

Patients suffering from osteoarthritis must undergo laser therapy to relieve discomfort, inflammation, and pain. One study shows that patients with osteoarthritis who underwent this procedure had a 70% reduction in pain than patients in the placebo group. 

The series of biochemical reactions trigged inside the cells increase blood circulation to the affected areas and stimulate healing mechanisms, leading to reduced stiffness and increased range of motion in joints. 

Low-level laser therapy can also improve joint mobility, flexibility, and strength. However, there is a need for more research to confirm the results in a larger population. Overall, it is an effective treatment option with no or minor side effects. However, you will need to undergo five to ten sessions or more for better results. 

Final Words 

It is crucial to do your research and discuss your condition with a health expert before undergoing laser therapy for osteoarthritis. Remember, fewer risks are associated with laser therapy than medication, steroidal injections, opioids, and surgery. 

Laser Therapy

How can Laser Therapy help recover Post-Surgical Scarring?

Scars have cosmetic, psychological, and physical implications for patients after surgeries. These are common complications of the wound healing process. Despite an atraumatic and careful technique, surgical procedures can result in scarring. 

Research shows that over 100 million adults in the U.S report scarring caused by surgical interventions. Numerous research studies have described the abnormal cascade of events that lead to scarring. 

The wound healing stages usually include inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. If you want to speed up the wound healing process and get rid of scars on your body due to surgical interventions, we recommend considering laser therapy. 

Laser Therapy for Postoperative Scars

Laser therapy is one of the best treatment options for reducing the appearance of scars post-surgery. It uses focused light beams to remove the skin’s outer layer and stimulate the new skin cells to cover damaged layers. 

Laser therapy can also reduce the appearance of age spots, skin wrinkles, warts, and keloids. During the procedure, the health professional will give you a topical anesthetic to numb your skin. Sometimes, the patient needs sedation to ensure the professional perform the procedure adequately. 

Although laser therapy is an outpatient procedure, you must find or choose a board-certified dermatologist to perform the procedure. The side effects of laser therapy include swelling, inflammation, redness, pain, and temporary oozing. The good news is that these side effects will disappear within a few days. 

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Scar Removal? 

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that requires a qualified dermatologist to use an FDA-approved fractional laser for scar treatment. It is an ideal treatment option for people seeking to reduce the appearance of surgical scars on the body. Laser therapy is a simple, reliable, effective, and fast procedure than other scar removal methods because it uses low-light beams. 

Laser light penetrates your skin’s outer layers to stimulate new and healthy skin cells development and growth. The laser removes damaged or old skin layers, allowing your cellular mechanisms to grow new and healthy skin layers or tissues. Bear in mind that scar formation is a natural process that your body carries out due to a wound or injury after the surgical procedure. 

Scars do not harm your body and skin, and you must not remove them for medical reasons. However, if scars on your body affect you psychologically and decrease your self-esteem, you can undergo laser therapy to disappear surgical scarring from your body effectively. Laser therapy reduces or removes scarring by: 

  • Removing old and damaged skin cells 
  • Supplying more nutrient-rich blood to the affected area
  • Creating a numbing effect to reduce pain, itchiness, and redness 
  • Improving your skin’s range of motion around the scar 

Health professionals, including dermatologists, choose from a wide range of lasers with different wavelength capacities. The purpose is to ensure the wavelength of light aligns with the condition of your scars and treat them effectively. 

Some lasers are ablative, meaning they will remove your skin’s top layer, while others are non-ablative that treat the layers underneath your skin without affecting the outer surface. Anyway, the choice of ablative or non-ablative lasers depends on your skin condition. 

Laser Therapy

LLLT vs. Ultrasound Therapy Pros and Cons

Pain management is an essential medical process that requires health professionals to use different methods and techniques to reduce pain. The most common treatment option for pain alleviation is medication, such as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen. 

Doctors also prescribe prescription drugs for pain management, such as opioids, narcotics, anti-depressants, analgesics, and steroids. However, these drugs can cause different side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, nightmares, etc. 

The most common causes of musculoskeletal pain are sprains, direct blows to bones, muscles, joints, poor posture, overuse injury (repetitive stress injury), joint dislocation, degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, etc. 

About 343 million people worldwide suffer from osteoarthritic pain, 436 million have bone fractures, 222 million neck pain, 175 million surgical amputations, and 14 million have rheumatoid arthritis.

Sports injuries can also cause severe pain and discomfort. In addition to medication, health professionals use two advanced pain management techniques, such as low-level light therapy (LLLT) and ultrasound therapy. These are noninvasive treatment methods to reduce discomfort and pain. Which one is the best? Let us discuss this! 

What is Low-Level Light Therapy? 

Low-level light therapy (LLLT) uses laser light or photons of specific wavelengths to treat an underlying condition, such as musculoskeletal pain. LLLT triggers the intercellular and intracellular tissue repair mechanisms, leading to improved and faster healing. 

When photons from the laser device penetrate the patient’s body, they enter the cells and activate photobiomodulation, vasodilation, fibroblast formation, and other essential biological mechanisms that lead to improved healing. 

LLLT is suitable for acute and chronic health conditions, including Achilles tendonitis, inflammatory conditions, such as bursitis and tendonitis, strains, sprains, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and knee, sciatic, and neck pain. 


  • Faster tissue healing 
  • Increased tensile strength of repaired tissues 
  • Enhanced lymphocytes and immunoglobulins production
  • Suppress cortisol levels and increase endorphins
  • Noninvasive, drug-free, and safe 
  • Reduced discomfort, inflammation, and pain 
  • No damage to the living tissue 
  • Free from adverse reactions 


  • Not suitable during pregnancy 
  • Not for cancer patients 
  • Not viable for patients who take immunosuppressant 
  • Slight swelling in the treatment area 

What is Ultrasound Therapy? 

Ultrasound therapy involves using sound waves to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including disorders of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The sound waves generated from the machine cause vibrations and heat, producing friction at the molecular level in the patient’s body. 

As a result, the heat or friction activates specific cellular mechanisms, leading to tissue healing, reducing discomfort, and alleviating pain. It is an effective treatment option for repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, shoulder pain, etc. 

Ultrasound therapy also affects the cells’ metabolic levels and activates specific functions and metabolic pathways to prevent scar tissue formation. At the same time, the vibration of sound waves triggers mitochondria to produce more energy and speed up the healing process. 


  • Reduced discomfort, inflammation, and pain 
  • Decreased tissue tension and muscle strains 
  • Increased blood flow to the damaged tissue 
  • Analgesic effect and breakdown of scar tissue 
  • A Noninvasive and drug-free treatment option 


  • Damaged cellular activity 
  • Coagulative necrosis 
  • Tissue vaporization 
  • Discomfort during the treatment due to heat 
  • Not suitable for patients with pacemakers 
  • Not ideal for people with vascular problems 

Final Words 

Low-level light therapy and ultrasound therapy are effective treatment options for inflammation reduction and pain alleviation. However, LLLT is more effective than ultrasound therapy because it has no or fewer side effects than ultrasound therapy. 

Laser Therapy

How Cold Laser Therapy Treats Tendonitis?

How can Cold Laser Therapy Help Treat Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is a common sports injury characterized by inflammation and pain. It occurs when you overuse your tendon, leading to acute inflammation and injury. Although the condition can affect any part of your body, it commonly occurs in the wrist, finger, thigh, and elbow. Different types of tendonitis are:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Supraspinatus tendonitis
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Wrist tendonitis
  • Trigger finger or thumb
  • De Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis

Common symptoms are pain, crackling tendons, inflammation, redness, numbness, tingling, and tendon lumps. Treatment options for tendonitis are rest, heat and ice therapy, NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, exercise, and cold laser therapy. In today’s article, we will discuss the effectiveness of cold laser therapy for tendonitis. Read on! 

Cold Laser Therapy for Tendonitis

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is an effective treatment option that uses light-emitting diodes or low-level photons. A qualified health professional applies low-level lasers to the body’s surface, allowing photons to penetrate tissues and trigger cellular mechanisms. As a result, cells stimulates inflammation and pain-relieving mechanism to speed up the healing process. 

A 2015 research study shows that cold laser therapy is more effective than medications, exercise, and placebo treatment options. Health professionals use cold laser therapy to reduce inflammation and pain related to tendonitis. Here is why you should undergo cold laser therapy for tendonitis. Continue reading! 


Cold laser therapy uses photobiomodulation, a process that allows photons or low-level light to enter your tissues and interact with the mitochondria’s cytochrome C-complex. As a result, the cell triggers a cascade of biological events, leading to increased cellular metabolism and decreased inflammation. Unlike medications, such as NSAIDs and narcotics, cold laser therapy does not produce side effects.

Accelerated Tissue Repair 

Low-level or cold laser therapy uses photons that penetrate your tendons or muscles and accelerate tissue reproduction. These photons increase your cells’ energy levels, allowing them to work efficiently and quickly. As a result, the cell increases the supply of essential nutrients to the damaged tendon and eliminates waste products, leading to accelerated tendon tissue repair and healing. 

Fibroblast Stimulation 

Cold laser therapy enables photons to enter your cells and stimulate fibroblasts, leading to increased collagen production. Bear in mind that collagen plays a crucial role in tissue repair and healing, especially in ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other soft tissue structures. The enhanced fibroblast activity can accelerate the healing process. 

Increased Vasodilation 

Vasodilation is an essential process that increases capillaries’ size to supply more oxygenated blood to the damaged tendons. Laser therapy increases vasodilation, leading to improve lymphatic drainage that reduces edema, swelling, and inflammation. All this leads to an effective and speedy recovery process. 

Final Words 

Conservative treatment options, such as physical therapy, exercise, medications, steroid injections, and acupuncture, can help treat tendonitis. However, medications, such as NSAIDs and opioids, can cause severe side effects, leading to more complications. 

On the other hand, cold laser therapy stimulates your body’s natural healing and tissue repair mechanisms to help treat tendonitis. Plus, this treatment option is painless, non-invasive, and free from side effects. 

Contact Us Today

Get in touch with the team at OrthoLazer in Newburgh, NY today to discuss your  questions and health issues to discover if OrthoLazer’s M8 Robotic Laser Therapy is the correct treatment for your needs.

We can then book you in to see our specialist pain relief physician at our Newburgh practice that can personalize the program for your specific needs, begin the pain relief process which will have significant impact on improving your quality of life. 

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5020 Rte 9W
Newburgh, NY 12550
(845) 787-4084
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Laser Therapy

How can Cold Laser Therapy treat Tendonitis?

Tendons are soft tissue structures that connect muscles to bone. The primary function of tendons is the transmission of muscle contraction forces to the skeleton, leading to optimal movement of the body part. Tendonitis is a common inflammatory condition that causes swelling, discomfort, and pain in tendons. 

Common treatment options for Tendonitis are activity modification, rest, pain-relieving medications, ice and heat therapy, physical therapy, stretching exercises, etc. However, pain-relieving medications, such as NSAIDs, can lead to stomach ulcers, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and allergic reactions. 

Tendons damaged result from trauma, swelling, and inflammation. Research shows that cold laser therapy has positive effects on swelling, edema, and inflammation in tendons. It involves deep photons penetration to activate a biochemical cascade of events, leading to cellular normalization, regeneration, and healing. 

Anti-inflammatory Effects 

Cold laser therapy has excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects, leading to increased vasodilation. It activates the natural lymphatic drainage system that drains inflamed areas in the damaged tendon. As a result, you have reduced inflammation, bruising, and edema. 

Analgesic Effects 

Discomfort and pain resulting from Tendonitis can affect your day-to-day life. Cold laser therapy has beneficial effects on your nerve cells, blocking pain receptors or cells in the brain. The purpose is to decrease nerve sensitivity, leading to reduce pain and discomfort. 

Accelerated Cell Growth 

Low-level light or photons from lasers penetrate tissues and trigger cellular reproduction mechanisms. The laser light triggers your cell’s mitochondria to speed up energy (ATP) production and remove waste products. Increased exposure to laser light improves cellular repair processes, leading to faster healing and recovery. 

Improved Metabolism

Stable or increased metabolic processes at the cellular level lead to increased blood flow to the affected area. Laser therapy increases blood circulation, allowing capillaries to carry more oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tendons. 

How long does the Treatment for Tendonitis take? 

During the treatment, the patient does not feel any sensation, meaning cold laser therapy is an effective and painless treatment for Tendonitis. The treatment takes around 10-15 minutes, depending on the intensity of your Tendonitis. Research shows that people with Tendonitis receive treatment sessions 2-3 times a week. 

How many treatments does it take for Tendonitis? 

Although the number of sessions depends on the condition’s severity, the typical cold laser therapy protocol for Tendonitis is 7 to 14 visits. If you have severe symptoms, such as inflammation or chronic pain, you may undergo ongoing periodic treatments to control pain. It is wise to consult your doctor before undergoing cold laser therapy. 

How long before results are felt?

Most people with Tendonitis feel improvement or pain reduction after 1-3 treatments. However, if you have chronic pain resulting from Tendonitis, it will take 7-8 visits to reap the full benefits of cold laser therapy. 

Final Words 

Cold laser therapy does not mask or cover up your painful condition. In fact, it triggers your body’s natural healing mechanism to reduce pain, repair damaged cells, and heal tissues. Therefore, the results are quite long-lasting. Lastly, cold laser therapy is more effective than medications because it does cause side effects. 

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